Winter Reflection Worksheet

nat rosasco

As a leader, it is essential to find time to pause and reflect. Your professional and personal development journey requires time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture and themes. Pause allows for you to take a good look in the mirror and really see how you are growing and evolving underneath all the surface activity. It’s also a time get in touch with your inner wisdom and creativity as you reconfirm your vision.


Look back over the last 6 to 12 months and acknowledge all your growth, accomplishments, and experiences. Celebrate all your wins, big and small. Look at all the areas of your work as you reflect: relationship with your boss, peers, and direct reports; coaching and development; work productivity; work and life balance, etc. Also consider important elements of your personal life: family, friends, health, and recreation.

List all of your Wins, Gains, and Breakthroughs. Celebrate and acknowledge your character and your accomplishments.

List your Losses, Disappointments, and Breakdowns Engage your curiosity and compassion – not your inner critic.

List any lessons you have learned this past year that you want to carry forward.

“Everything about yesterday has gone with yesterday.

Today it is needed to say new things.”

– Rumi


Create a conscious transition to let go of last year. It might be a long hike up a hill (up reflecting on the past, down stepping into the future), burning up the notes of the past, anything! It can even be as simple as a good night’s sleep where you set the intention of letting the past go and waking to a new day. Whatever works for you!

“Yesterday is history,

tomorrow is a mystery,

but today is a gift.

That is why it is called the “present.”

Kung Fu Panda


Imagine yourself 12 to 18 months in the future. Pick a date. Give yourself room to expand into your best vision for the future. When thinking forward, let your imagination go. What if you could create it exactly as you want it? What would that look like to dream big about your life and your career? This is an opportunity to create your most fulfilling vision for the future – make it count!

“May I have the courage today

To live the life that I would love.

To postpone my dream no longer

But do at last what I came here for

And waste my heart on fear no more.

John O’Donahue

Write a (specific)
list of ALL your
Wins, Gains, and Breakthroughs that occur in the next
12-18 months.

Write a Future Letter to a dear friend, family member or mentor.
Share what has transpired and what you have accomplished during the past year. Speak to how proud you are of the obstacles you overcame or the focus and determination you tapped into. Talk about what makes the success of this year matter so much. Why is this year important to you?

Create a Plan
Now that you are more conscious of where you want to be, start to consider what small (or big) steps you can take to move yourself closer to your vision. What conversations need to be had? What obstacles need to be overcome? What actions must be taken? What help do you need from others? Consider what is needed to close the gap between where you are today and where you want to be.

What is a mantra, song, structure, theme, or headline for the upcoming year?

Many, many blessings to you on your journey this next year!

With peace and courage in your heart, may you dream big
and manifest great joy, success, and meaning in the year to come!

– Barb

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