Unleashing the Leader Within: The Power of Team Coaching

Barb Van Hare

An effective leadership style resonates with your team, inspiring and encouraging them to achieve their full potential.

Although it’s often simplified, the mark of an effective leader isn't just about strategy, experience, or intelligence. It includes other character traits, such as adaptability, approachability, and a commitment to continuous learning and growth.

Yes, leaders make decisions and give directions. Yet, an effective leadership style resonates with your team, inspiring and encouraging them to achieve their full potential.

Your leadership style impacts everything. It touches your team's productivity, job satisfaction, creativity, and, ultimately, the success of the organization. Therefore, cultivating an effective and empowering leadership style is paramount, and one of the ways you can do that is through team coaching.

Why is Your Leadership Style Important?

Your leadership style has a profound impact on your team's dynamics, the work environment, and your organization's overall performance. It sets the tone for how you communicate, make decisions, and address problems.

A strong leadership style reflects the balance between delivering results and creating a supportive environment that allows your team to learn, grow, and innovate. Moreover, it shows a commitment to their personal and professional development - an attribute that is highly valued in today's business landscape.

Let’s look at some of the effects your leadership style can have on your team.

Shaping Organizational Culture

A leader's style is a fundamental component in shaping the culture of the organization. For instance, an autocratic leader might foster a competitive, high-stress environment, while a transformational leader might cultivate a culture of collaboration, creativity, and personal growth. This culture, in turn, influences employees' satisfaction, retention, and overall morale.

Influencing Productivity and Performance

The leadership style directly impacts the team's productivity and overall performance. A leader who micromanages might stifle creativity and slow down processes. In contrast, a leader who promotes autonomy and provides supportive guidance can boost productivity, as employees feel more engaged, trusted, and motivated to perform at their best.

Navigating Change

In an era where change is the only constant, how a leader manages change can make or break an organization. Flexible and adaptive leaders can successfully navigate through uncertainty and inspire their team to do the same. They can turn challenges into opportunities, driving growth and innovation.

Building Trust and Loyalty

Trust and loyalty form the backbone of any successful team, and a leader's style plays a vital role in building these. Leaders who are transparent, empathetic, and fair gain their team's trust and loyalty. This bond not only improves collaboration but also encourages employees to go the extra mile for the organization.

Driving Innovation

Leadership style significantly influences the level of innovation within an organization. A leader who encourages open communication welcomes new ideas, and is not afraid to take calculated risks can foster an innovative mindset within the team. This approach can lead to fresh ideas, improved processes, and novel solutions that give the organization a competitive edge.

Encouraging Personal and Professional Growth

The right leadership style doesn't just focus on tasks and performance; it also takes into account the personal and professional growth of team members. Leaders who coach, provide constructive feedback, and offer opportunities for learning and development contribute to the continuous growth of their team. In turn, this growth fuels the success of the organization.

Harnessing the Power of Team Coaching

Team coaching provides a platform to uncover the strengths and weaknesses within your team. It's an avenue to develop effective communication skills, foster stronger relationships, and encourage high-performing and collaborative teams. But it's also a catalyst for refining your leadership style.

Participating in team coaching allows you to observe your team in action, perceive their responses and interactions, and gain insight into their challenges and aspirations. It offers an opportunity to get real-time feedback, not only about the team's dynamics but also about your leadership style.

Through this process, you can identify areas where you excel and those that need improvement. Are you a great motivator but struggle to delegate tasks? Do you encourage creativity but often find it challenging to manage conflict effectively? These insights can help you refine your leadership style and evolve.

Discovering Your Unique Leadership Style

Your leadership style should be as unique as you are. It should resonate with your values, strengths, and personality. That said, developing an effective leadership style isn't about fitting into a predefined mold. It's about:

  • Self-awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and biases. This knowledge will guide you to make balanced decisions and foster meaningful connections with your team members.

  • Emotional intelligence: Being in tune with your emotions and those of your team members. It helps to create a harmonious and empathetic work environment.

  • Adaptability: Your ability to adapt your style to meet the needs of different situations and team members. This flexibility enables you to respond effectively to various challenges and opportunities.

  • Communication: Effective communication fosters understanding, builds trust, and encourages collaboration. As a leader, it's important to articulate your vision clearly and be open to feedback.

  • Empowerment: Encouraging your team to take ownership, make decisions, and learn from their experiences. It fosters a sense of belonging, boosts confidence, and promotes innovation.

Doing the Hard Work 

Developing a leadership style that genuinely reflects your personality, values, and strengths is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Here are some steps to help you discover and cultivate your unique leadership style:


The journey to discover your unique leadership style begins with self-reflection. Evaluate your values, strengths and weaknesses, and the things that motivate and demotivate you. This introspection will help you gain a clearer understanding of yourself as a person and as a leader.

Seek Feedback

It's crucial to know how others perceive your actions and behaviors. Don’t hesitate to ask your team for feedback. How do they feel when they interact with you? What can you do to better support them? Their feedback can provide valuable insights into the impact of your current leadership approach and help you identify areas for improvement.

Experience and Experiment

There's no one-size-fits-all in leadership. Gaining experience across different roles, teams, and situations is invaluable. Don’t be afraid to experiment with varying techniques of leadership and strategies. Over time, you’ll discover what works best for you and your team in various situations.

Learn from Other Leaders

Study other leaders you admire—those in your organization, industry, or even historical figures. What makes them effective? What can you learn from them? Use their experiences to inspire and guide your own journey. Remember, the goal isn't to mimic their style but to learn valuable lessons that can help shape your own.

Understand Your Team

Your leadership style should resonate not only with you but also with your team. Spend time understanding your team members—their strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, and what they value in a leader. The more you know about your team, the better you can adapt your style to bring out the best in them.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The discovery of your unique leadership style isn’t a one-time event. It’s a continuous process of learning, growing, and adapting. Leadership demands flexibility—you might need to adjust your style based on your team's evolving needs, changing organizational goals, or shifts in the business environment. Staying open to learning and being willing to adapt is key.

Engage in Coaching

Engaging in team coaching can be an invaluable step in discovering your unique leadership style. It provides a platform for learning, reflection, and feedback. It helps you gain deeper insights into your team dynamics and how your actions and behaviors influence them. Coaching can guide you in developing a leadership style that is truly reflective of your strengths and values and is effective for your team.

Wrapping Up

Every leader has the potential to shape a work environment that inspires, motivates, and drives success. But, to do so, it's essential to recognize and harness your unique leadership style. Team coaching can provide the tools and insights necessary to refine and perfect your style, setting you on the path to becoming a truly effective and inspiring leader.

After all, leadership isn't about being in charge - it's about caring for those in your charge. And there's no better way to do that than by fostering a growth, collaboration, and continuous learning culture.

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